Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th of July Fun

We hit the greatest Parade for the 4th of July. We all had a blast. We STRONGLY encouraged our two boys to be more than candy trinket muggers and to be polite at the parade ~ Which included a "Happy 4th of July" or a "thank you". Well in all the excitement my three year old son was telling all the folks on the floats...."THANK YOU & HAPPY FATHER's DAY"
He was convinced that he was right so we finally all just gave up and let him carry on with his star spangled father's day celebration. When he went to bed he said....."Mommy, It was a GREAT 4th of father's Day in July".... I just smiled and said yes it was..... Next year he will know it is the 4th of July and that will be a little sad.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why does the dog need to be "fixed"?

So we got a new puppy. It is a girl, she is very cute. My son Ethan picked her out for his 8th birthday. She is going on 6 months and is going to be spayed in a week of so. Ethan had lots of questions about her surgery... Which brought about more questions about where puppies come from. I sweated for a bit and then decided I would just explain... He easily accepted all my answers and was fine with the idea of her getting her reproductive organs removed.... Then he asked about our 10 year old male golden retriever and asked how he got fixed. I explained and then looked at him....He looked like he was gonna pass out. Then he told me that was enough, he didn't need to hear anymore. I thought it was interesting .....and kinda funny.javascript:void(0)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Seaside Fun!

We went to Florida for a family vacation and it was a blast. We are finally having some fun traveling now that the kids are past the toddler years. My older son, Ethan, had a blast at the beach. And my three year old Noah had an epiphany when he realized he could swim! I will admit that the sea Kayaking was not a great idea and we were all left a little traumatized by it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh My Christ

My husband and in-laws use God & Jesus as a curse words and I never thought much about it until my 3 year old started saying "Oh MY GOD!" all the time. Then I started to realize that he was going to PDO at a Baptist church and we had taught him to break a commandment. So, I told him not to say that anymore.... It was bad to say God in that way and I tried to explain and then ended up saying...."Don't say it...Say, Oh my golly or Oh my Gosh!" So he stopped saying it and started saying, "Oh my Christ!" I explained that that was just as bad and not to say it.... He came home from Parent's Day out and said " Oh My Christ!" and I said, "I asked you not to say that!" To that he said, "I told my teacher that YOU said Christ was a bad word and she said it wasn't and I could say it." .....Hmmm, I just can't win... I think they will pray harder for me on that one than if I has just let him keep saying "Oh my GOD!"

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Insomniac in the House

My three year old is getting more and more crafty. Last night he wanted to come to bed with us. I said no then thought of all the excuses..... including...Mommy put a glass of water on his nightstand so he would not need to get up for some water. Well, about 15 minutes after going to bed I hear, "Help, I need help?" I ask, "what?" and he says, "I spilled my water and I need to come to mommy and daddy's bed." I say, "no!" and give him a towel....... He starts crying and saying he can not do it, he needs help...So I go there and the water was spilled on his bed in a perfectly circular pattern like it had been very purposefully done. Not sure if this is funny or disturbing...Maybe a little bit of both.

Monday, May 26, 2008

My silliest mom moment of the last few weeks was that my three year old, Noah, started calling his private parts his "wing nuts"... First we were stunned. We have no idea where it came from. It just kind of makes the family laugh when he says it.... Well, last week a minor league baseball team came to Dallas ~and it's name? The Wichita Wingnuts... I swear! We can't stop laughing. I think I may have to order him a cap:)

Love and Logic

The parenting book Parenting with Love and Logic is the most common sense and life saving book my husband and I have read for parenting. We read through it and it affirmed our parenting style and gave us some really good ideas for how to improve upon it. There were many "aha!" moments as we read it. As we have implemented different parts of the book~ every suggestion we have tried improves our family life.

Best Baby Gift ever

My son Noah got a personalized baby blanket from my Aunt and Uncle. It came from a website called I have adopted it as my baby gift and it has been a huge hit. They come wrapped in a cute bow and are about as thoughtful and personal as can be. I just wanted to share this as the Best baby gift!