Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh My Christ

My husband and in-laws use God & Jesus as a curse words and I never thought much about it until my 3 year old started saying "Oh MY GOD!" all the time. Then I started to realize that he was going to PDO at a Baptist church and we had taught him to break a commandment. So, I told him not to say that anymore.... It was bad to say God in that way and I tried to explain and then ended up saying...."Don't say it...Say, Oh my golly or Oh my Gosh!" So he stopped saying it and started saying, "Oh my Christ!" I explained that that was just as bad and not to say it.... He came home from Parent's Day out and said " Oh My Christ!" and I said, "I asked you not to say that!" To that he said, "I told my teacher that YOU said Christ was a bad word and she said it wasn't and I could say it." .....Hmmm, I just can't win... I think they will pray harder for me on that one than if I has just let him keep saying "Oh my GOD!"


NH Yocal said...

Oh no...I say OMG all the time. I can't wait til mine start testing me on what to say.

adymommy said...

That is funny! I am a bit of a potty mouth and have had a few times when my 2 year old has repeated what I said. Luckily none of my children have picked up my potty mouth as a habit.